Purple Pineapple Press
Books ● Media ● Motivation
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Meet Purple Pineapple Press
Purple Pineapple Press was created to help inspire people on their journey of self-improvement, be that through learning new skills, finding strategies and perspectives to ease life's burdens, or accessing tools to help a little. Adults and kids can both enjoy the benefits of what we offer, as our focus is the whole family. With books for parents, educational workbooks for kids, and children's books to bring the whole family together, there is something for everyone. We provide books, videos, audio recordings, workbooks, coloring books, journals, and more.
What is the "Purple Pineapple Pursuit" Challenge?
The pineapple has long been a symbol of the good that people seek out of life. Both the pineapple and the color purple are a symbol of prosperity and happiness. As you embark on your own path to self-improvement and fulfillment in life, you are on what we like to call "the purple pineapple pursuit." This simply entails living life purposefully, striving to learn more regularly, and seeking ways to achieve your goals and dreams. We are Here to support you in your Purple Pineapple Pursuit.

Meet Our Lead Publisher
Eeva Miller is the Lead Publisher of Purple Pineapple Press. Eeva has always loved all things related to books; reading, writing, and creating art. Eeva is passionate about creating books that motivate, are educational, and bring families together. When she isn’t working on publishing books or illustrating, she loves to perform in musicals and is very interested in costume design for plays. She is very talented at all the creative things she sets her mind to.